1998 – Raven 405 – Henderson, Nevada – Manhole Rehab


Raven Lining Systems
13105 E. 61st Street,
Suite A
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
(918) 615-0020

Railroad Pass Lateral, Henderson, Nevada

City of Henderson

Date of Project: 
November 1998

Raven 405

Type of Structure(s):
The structure measured 9′ deep and 6″ lateral, with a 4′ diameter manhole made out of precast walls.

Condition of Structure(s):
The bench was completely deteriorated and the corrosion was very severe

Description of Application
The project began by water-cleaning at 5,000 psi. 5 gpm was used to prepare a clean, sound substrate to receive the coating. 3″ of severely corroded concrete was removed. Then, a light patching of walls was performed, along with a complete rebuild of the bench, with contour to create flow into invert. Next, the grade ring was sealed. Raven 405 was applied at 200 mils, providing structural enhancement and corrosion protection.

1998 Henderson, NV